Azura - Edo

Azura-Edo is a 461MW independent power plant located in Edo State, Nigeria.
About Azura-Edo

The plant is designed to help close Nigeria’s 10, 978 MW energy gap whilst paving the way to a more sustainable energy mix.

After over six years in development, financial close for Phase 1 was reached on 28 December 2015. Construction started on 5 January 2016 and the plant started operating in May 2018, a full eight months ahead of schedule. Siemens and Julius Berger were the joint EPC contractors.

With a full generation capacity of 1,500 MW, the facility is located on a 100 hectare site in Edo State that can accommodate planned expansions to support future energy demand.

Developed by a best-in-class team with decades of industry experience, Azuro-Edo provides balancing power to stabilise the national grid. Reliable, affordable access to power is a critical enabler of the industrial and agricultural development required to support job creation at scale and the complex development requirements created by Nigeria’s massive projected population growth over the coming decades.

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Our impact

Nigeria is projected to produce the largest population growth in the world by 2050

Increasing from 180 million people today to 300 million. This will place unprecedented demand on an energy infrastructure that is already strained.

Improving affordable access to power is a key driver of Nigeria’s development agenda. Our role is to ramp up generating capacity today to meet existing demand and create the foundations for a sustainable energy mix that can meet future demand.

The country’s abundant supplies of natural gas provide the most efficient, reliable and safe pathway to rapid industrialisation and the emergence of a sustainable energy mix.

We are committed to the highest levels of transparency and accountability in our operations so we developed an app and dashboard to show the performance of the Azura Edo plant on a daily basis.

Facts and figures

Power generation capacity

461 mw

Completed ahead of shedule by

8 Months

Power generation capacity

461 mw

Completed ahead of shedule by

8 Months

Building Our Industry

Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.

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Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et.

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